MAY 2023 - The votes are in and the Conservatives are out. Now the victors need to take their seats out for a spin, and try to come up with reforms that might make a difference. Affordable homes and a rolling stock of land to be able to supply to self builds and flat packs. No services are required in the modern world. It is cheaper to stay off the grid, with water treatment units and boreholes for water supplies. Solar panels can supply all the energy you'll need. But renewable hydrogen could be a game changer. Supplied as green methanol, to pass through a fuel cell, via a reformer. The world is your oyster.
Contact Paul - Home address:
WEALDEN District Council has written to Bader College of Queens, the Canadian university, about the proposed ending of the lease on the Science Centre at Herstmonceux Observatory at
Just 400 yards outside the village of Herstmonceux, is the world's oldest electricity generating station to feature battery load levelling. Making this humble gem a potential UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A little further toward the Castle is the Windmill at Windmill Hill, where grain was ground for the Bakery in Herstmonceux. The Bakery being one of the first in the UK to cook loaves by electricity. The electricity provided by Herstmonceux Electricity Works in Lime Park.
The Museum at Herstmonceux features an Innovation Hub, with electric and hydrogen cars and solar and hydrogen boats - and SeaVax, the ocean plastic cleaning ships. There is also a giant Bull Ant, with robotic chassis, the world's smallest wind tunnel and water test tank. The exhibits designed to inspire the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs. To shift thinking from the "Business As Usual" approach that has caused global warming and climate change.
Interestingly, Wealden are seeking to prevent Herstmonceux Museum from using solar panels to reduce running costs. And to remove public protection measures against falling branches. About which local members are making no comment, but must have been for enforcement. Whereas, Windsor Castle and Bath Abbey, are installing solar panels for precisely the same reasons; to reduce costs. Is this double standards. What is the law on solar panels in the UK, and is it being applied equally by all councils, or are policies applied favourably in some cases and unfavourably in others?
Wealden did not have a Local List of buildings of historic interest in the region up to 2023. It is unclear if they have one now in 2024. Where other councils, such as Eastbourne, rely on such data for regional conservation, to protect heritage assets.
Local officers and councillors may just be out of touch with the developing world in a Climate Emergency, Rewilding, etc. In which case they may want to visit these science centres : )
We hope that the Liberal Democrat party is a political group that either has, or is looking to develop policies to tackle climate change. The failure of Labour and Conservative (pothole) parties to implement any kind of climate cooling reversal policies based on reliable information, or to tackle the lack of affordable housing, represents a political opportunity for any party who has the solution, or more correctly implements the policies that are needed to get the UK on track for a sustainable future. That said, Sir Keir Starmer as the new Labour Prime Minister, is sure to want to grapple with these issues.
Council officers will seek to train incoming candidates and brainwash them to the Pothole Party way of thinking. In revealing their dirty laundry, you will be asked to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. That is to protect them from you when it is revealed how unlawfully/illegally a Conservative led council was conducted. Be careful not to be brainwashed. Look at what is presented against Statute, Common Law, and common sense morality. Have they acted with integrity in the past? Doubtful. Or why the need for a Non-Disclosure Agreement : ) It is so that you don't spill the beans about what you find out during your membership.
Will you act with integrity? Can you act honestly and decently against a background of corruption in planning - some of which is still not resolved. And who knows what might happen in the future, if the festering wound of injustice is not healed.
INHERITED QUAGMIRE - The problem for those newly elected, is the mess the outgoing members have left you to clear up. And it is a huge pile of poop make no mistake. Potential cures to these ails might be:
THE BUCK - President
Biden said a US default on its $31.4tn (£25tn) debt by Monday's deadline
(5th June 2003) would have been "catastrophic". The ceiling was justified by a theoretical $1.5 trillion in savings. But what happens if spending creeps up again, or those savings cannot be made?
Where councils are not providing land for low cost housing (just about all of them), Wealden might prevent consents for executive housing, until developers provide low cost housing up front. Requiring statutory reform, maybe, except that the 2021 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides that there should be "Entry Level Exception Sites" (Section 65 (d)). And at Section 68 (a), where they have to identify Specific Deliverable Sites - for a five year period. Wealden District is just one geographical location taking advice from Local Government Association advisers, on how to avoid meeting their obligations.
However, the simple act of retaining a register, with the get-out that they cannot provide land with services, is not a valid excuse for failing to provide the five year rolling stock of land. Simply because, once land is identified and made available by earmarking for low cost housing, flatpacks and other mobile units can be installed Stand Alone, and Off Grid. With the latest technology, water, waste, electricity and Wifi can all be provided without connecting to conventional services. Further reducing the cost of living, and pushing sustainability.
Low income earners are forced to rent at market levels, pushing vulnerable families into unaffordable debt - the rents going to overseas investors. Once again, this is a loophole that needs to be closed, and the council has compulsory purchase powers to obtain land, once it has been identified in a local plan, to be used for affordable homes, that locals can afford to buy. Making them more productive.
Money that goes to rental companies and wealthy landlords, frequently finds its way offshore, so that generated wealth (typically part housing benefits) is removed from the UK economy. Creating a loss of income, that would otherwise be spent on taxable goods in the UK. The council have purchased land, but not for affordable housing. Ask to see details of land purchases. And, while you are at it, ask where all the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments are going if not to provide an Infrastructure - as in Road Repairs and EV charging, etc.
In Wealden, it is alleged that at least one senior councillor has registered property offshore. It is unclear if this was to avoid registering conflicts of interest, or for tax advantage. Either way, it bears looking at.
To make better use of the free energy from offshore wind turbines, perhaps by generating hydrogen for fuel as gas for homes, and to generate electricity for fuel cell vehicles, and hydrogen for IC engines like that produced by JCB, or produce green methanol for other road cars, such as to use the existing service station infrastructure. Unfortunately, that presumes members are up to speed with such developments. It also presumes that funding development grants do not go to those already in fossil fuel businesses, with conflicts if interest. Such as investors in oil companies, or their subsidiaries.
There is no reason why Wealden might not endorse such technology, and even encourage the transition, with the right policies in place. To make it happen.
The UK could become a net exporter of energy and renewable technology. The energy cost 'crisis' would be averted. Energy companies that do not invest in renewables, could be fined, and/or lose their franchise. This might mean the enactment of urgent legislation, which the Conservative party might not support, due to their investments in fossil fuels.
We need to encourage entrepreneurs in music, films and publishing in the Wealden area. One thing we are good at is creating original scripts and songs and producing very exportable actors, music is a valuable export. The pop group Abba, was once Sweden's second largest export, after Saab vehicles. Creative people should be encouraged, to write books and illustrate comics.
We are reliant on the import of cheap goods, and much of our food. We should encourage sustainable fishing along our coasts, and the home growing of vegetables and grain, to reduce as much as possible, imports. Wealden has a number of vineyards, for example. So drink local wines and beers, not foreign imports. Eat local apples, pears and berries.
The Liberal Democrats are a political party that joined forces with the Conservatives in 2010 following a general election revelation from voters that the public had no real preference for any of the election promises - mainly because the policies were all about nothing - or the voters believed that they would come to naught, which amounts to the same thing - and they did.
The United Kingdom has many political parties, some of which are represented in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Below are links to the websites of the political parties that were represented in the House of Commons after the 2015 General Election:
Social Democratic and Labour Party
We are concerned with how the make up of the above parties and (reasonably) popular policies affects the Wealden district, because we are all brothers on two islands in the Atlantic Ocean and what we do or fail to do is likely to rebound on ourselves and our fellow man in other nations around the world. How we act today influences policies in other countries in our global community. It is not just about us and our patch.
East Sussex has five District and Borough Councils, each with a border on the coast. From west to east they are:
There is also East Sussex County Council as the provider of services to the 5 East Sussex districts.
As near neighbours and with councils now sharing facilities and working together, these area of Sussex are included in our remit and an area where climate change and affordable housing are issues that need urgent attention. Where the coastline is a feature in every Council, Blue Growth is a food security issue, especially where this side of of our local economy is under-exploited.