Lord Nolan QC, report on corruption in the British planning system



THE MOST CORRUPT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD - Violating Articles 3, 4, 8 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Lord Nolan QC, set the benchmark for conduct in public life - but the recommendations were roundly ignored - business as usual. Leading to the south of England being flooded with unsustainable executive houses, and no genuinely affordable units to replace the council (social) housing that was sold off by Margaret Thatcher. And never replaced, as part of the re-introduction of modern slavery, to force more money from low income families, pushing them into a life of servitude. From about 1660 King Charles II openly supported slave trading with his Royal African Trading Company. What is the difference, apart from skin colour and location?





To date Wealden have not provided any low costs plots, or identified the rolling stock of such land in a five year rolling plan. Presumably, in their Local Plans. They are thus in Breach of Contract with their electorate - and in violation of the National Planning Policy Framework, at sections 63 to 70. So perpetuating financial slavery. Making them part of a slave trade, where the slaves are residents in England, not Africans in the colonies.


You only have one life, you cannot afford to wait while Wealden's lacklustre performance, means you are forced to pay high rents, while they fiddle. This staggering level of sloth, is deliberate. Designed to drain you financially, and never mind the Mental Torture, or Servitude, violations of your basic Human Rights.


They know you have no Effective Remedy in the United Kingdom, with Legal Aid gone, taking away any chance of mounting a challenge within Britain, the only remedy having left the EU, being in the International Criminal Court of Justice in The Hague. Maybe then the politicians will jump.




The real way to beat absurdly high land value claims, is to offer 340m2 square meter plots to those on the Self-Build register, for about £1,650 pounds per site. Thus valuing the land, just a little under £20,000 per acre. Which is twice the price of arable pasture in June of 2023.


The real reason Wealden has not done so before 2023, is partly to do with the Conservative grip on the national house building agenda, supported by core officers, where many of them are either property owners, renting out a portfolio of property at the current market price, or have cozy relationships with larger developers of property. This kind of brake on sustainability progress, was identified by Lord Nolan in 1995, as vested interests, and even Masonic influence, involving the police, who give/gave councils carte-blanche get-out-of-jail-free passports. A virtual guarantee not to be investigated for wrongdoing. As was proven when 11 unrelated criminal complaints were reported to Sussex police in 1997, who then allowed Wealden's officer's to draft their own letter of exoneration on police headed paper. Needless to say, there was no investigation, in this conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.


The rental market might see a drop in market levels - and overseas investors might not see the UK as quite such a soft touch as a money laundering region, if land for affordable (low cost starter homes) were to become available. Hence, they red-flagged any proposal, other than just keeping a 'Register' of interested persons. No way are they going to advertise, the requirements under the NPPF 2021, or they'd be flooded out with applications - where they have no identified land - as a rolling stock for even one year, let alone a five year plan. Even so, 191 applicants on Wealden's Register, are seeking serviced plots. But, do they need services?


These days water and sewage may be obtained and disposed of without connecting to mains services. The same applies to off-grid solar energy storage and supply systems. Hence, all that is needed for a flat-pack installation is the plot and a dirt track access. That is if we really want to keep things affordable. Such homes come in well under £50,000 a piece at current market prices. If you really want to make them affordable.


Planning consent will be required, to control the general look and design of such proposals, in the usual way.




Following the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015, the Council maintains a register that is used to identify and assess the level of demand for self-build and custom housebuilding in Wealden District. By registering your interest, the Council is able to find out more about the location, plot size and type of self-build and custom build houses required. The register will be used to help inform forthcoming policies relating to this type of housebuilding. Registering on the Council’s Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified for those specifically on the register.



Applicants must meet all of the eligibility criteria for entry on the register. Each individual applicant and every member of an association of individuals that applies for entry on the register must be:

- aged 18 or older


- a British citizen, a national of a EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and


- seeking (either alone or with others) to enquire a serviced plot of land in the relevant authority’s area to build a house to occupy as that individual’s sole or main residence.


If you would like to register your interest, please complete the Self-build and Custom Build Registration Form Individuals who wish to register as an association must appoint a member or officer to act as the lead contact for the purposes of correspondence. Further information on self-build and custom housebuilding is available on the Government’s website.



If you are considering building your own home, then please register your interest with us.

Your registration provides the Council with an understanding of the demand for self-build and custom build plots across the District and enables us to support your needs through planning policy. Please read the Self Build Questions and Answers for more information.



At present, there are 210 individuals enrolled on the self-build and custom housebuilding register. All individual entries to the register were made after 31st March 2016 onwards.

Two of these individuals were registered in the period 31st March 2016 – 30th October 2016.

24 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2016 – 30th October 2017.

24 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2017 – 30th October 2018.

21 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2018 – 30th October 2019.

33 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2019 – 30th October 2020.

44 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2020 – 30th October 2021.

37 applicants were registered in the year 31st October 2021 – 30th October 2022.

25 applicants have registered so far in the year 31st October 2022 – 30th October 2023

One association is currently enrolled on the self-build and custom housebuilding register with three members. 



All applications to the register have been received from individuals. As a result, those on the register seek 191 serviced plots of land as 19 applicants already own a plot of land suitable for a self or custom build project.



48% of applications to the register originate from within the Wealden District, with 12% of applications from other Districts within East Sussex and the remaining 40% from Districts outside of East Sussex. 24% of applicants to the register have expressed an interest in building in a town or urban settlement, 52% expressed an interest in a village location, 13% are interested in living in a rural area and 32% have expressed an interest in a general area of the District. The most popular settlement choices in descending order are Crowborough, Heathfield, Uckfield, Forest Row and Hailsham.



Plot size demand from those on the register varies, but 62% of applicants are interested in a plot of land under 1,500 square metres in size. 28% of individuals listed on the register are seeking a plot of land under 500 square metres, whilst 15% are interested in a plot of land 500-999 square metres in size and 19% are seeking a plot of land between 1,000-1,499 square metre in size. A plot of land of at least 2,000 square metres in size has only been demanded by 19% of applicants and a further 6% stated they would consider a plot of land of any size.
Type of housing required

Applicants to the register were able to state the type of house they are interested in building and they could express an interest in multiple house types. 96% of applicants on the register expressed an interest in building a detached house, with 74% of applicants solely wanting to build a detached dwelling. 13% of applicants expressed an interest in a semi-detached dwelling, 6% expressed an interest in a terraced house and 3% were found to have an interest in constructing a flat/apartment.

With regards to the number of bedrooms required by each applicant, 2% are interested in a dwelling with at least one bedroom, 15% are interested in a minimum of a two bedroom dwelling, 33% are seeking a dwelling with at least three bedrooms, 41% are interested in at least a four bedroom dwelling and 9% are looking to build a dwelling with at least five bedrooms.











£42,499.00 Winter Super Deal. Price After 1 February 2022 £63,467.00 You save: £20,968.00


£42,171.00 – on offer (@ January 2022).


Firms like Ikea are now investing heavily in factory built designs, so reducing the cost of housing.











Council's are notoriously slow at producing local plans, and when they do they fail to identify land as a rolling stock that is earmarked for affordable housing - despite the fact that this is their administrative function. Raising the question as to the suitability of those employed for their present positions, and what they are doing while in those positions of trust? Are they feathering their nests, or working hard for the citizen. Are they working at all, or from home languishing on their couches, while still costing the taxpayer the full Monty?


In such cases of rampant maladministration, central government might take over these functions, setting both the location and the value for them by way of an Appeal to the Secretary of State.


Do we need civil servants at all. Can we replace them with AI, and cut out corruption and discrimination completely?


Anyone can put in a planning application on land that is not owned by them, simply by putting the owner on notice of the application. Identify a suitable field and away you go. But!


Social housing groups cannot afford to test the water either - with speculative planning applications - because of the high fees for those proposals. Hence, we have a stalemate position.


Thinking creatively, if councils could be persuaded (and maybe this should be a statutory requirement to really get things moving) to waive fees in relation to applications for genuinely affordable housing, then social groups or pro-bono advocates might take up the challenge and help the council out. How?


We are not saying that councils should lose out on fees entirely, we are only saying that such costs should be recoverable once the new builds are actually built. So, nobody loses and everybody wins, it just takes a bit longer.


Then there is the matter of the community infrastructure levy (CIL). Yes, there is way around that too, but only if we are all prepared to be reasonable.


At the moment, we suspect that CIL taxes are being invested in fossil fuels for officer enhanced pensions - or something such like. Whereas, these local taxes should be spent on the community.










Map of the Wealden district as divided for effective representation of the people


Map of the Wealden District











King Charles II and James II, Royal African Trading Company - British slave trders



THROW OFF YOUR SHACKLES - Wealden, along with most other council's will not let you escape a life of slavery. Having abolished the very profitable slave trade, from Africa to the Caribbean colonies - but only after considerable lobbying and protestor efforts. The British ruling classes are now concentrating on enslaving those within the borders of the United Kingdom. Proof of the high level of corruption in British politics, is that Boris Johnson was allowed to tell so many untruths for so long, without even Queen Elizabeth blinking when she was lied to, about proroguing Parliament. The concept of slavery is thus very much ingrained in modern English thinking, focused on high taxation, and profiteering.